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Sillimantin Ceramic Roller


Haldenwanger is one of the first manufacturers who successfully applyceramic rollers into roller kiln, provides high quality rollers withoutstanding high temperature strength and excellent thermoshockresistance.



Our rollers have excellent properties:

l Excellent High Temperature Strength

l Excellent Thermal Shock Resistance

l Outstanding Eroding Resistance

l Consistent Roller Quality



Main Application:
SM65 is one outstanding option for producers of floor tiles and vitrified tiles.


SM65Z Gear rollers of SM65 is applied for the cooling section of rollerkiln, with improved anti-bending performance.


SM70 High cost-effective roller designed for wide-body kiln.


SM90 Higher application temperature, higher loading ability, excellentthermal shock and eroding resistance stability. Your first choice for highquality exterior wall tile, glazed tile and interior wall tile.


SM100 Higher strength than SM90, excellent thermal shock resistance.Especially it is the first choice for the wide-body kilns and the firing ofheavy products.

Contact us to find out how we can help you!